What’s the Difference Between Tinea Unguium and Onychomycosis?

Tinea unguium and onychomycosis are both fungal infections of the nails. While they may have similar symptoms, there are some key differences between the two conditions. Here’s what you need to know about tinea unguium and onychomycosis, including how to tell them apart. Tinea Unguium Causes of Tinea Unguim Tinea unguium is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes. These fungi are able to infect the nails because they feed on keratin, a protein that makes up the nails. Dermatophytes are commonly found in soil and on the skin or hair of animals. They can also be spread from person to person through contact with infected items, such as nail clippers or towels. Symptoms of Tinea Unguim Tinea unguium is a fungal infection that affects the nails. The most common symptom of tinea unguium is thickening of the nails. The nails may also become yellow, brown, or black. They may be crumbly or ragged. In severe cases, the nails may separate from the nail bed. The symptoms of tinea unguium depend on how far the infection has progressed. In its early stages, tinea unguium may cause your nails to become: Brittle Dull Thickened White or yellowish in color As […]

What’s the Difference Between Tinea Unguium and Onychomycosis? Read More